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Location: Казахстан, Петропавловск
Posted: 16.05.09 14:32. Post subject: Цветок Шиповника
ЦВЕТОК ШИПОВНИКА часть первая Hidden text. Click here Разве я человек? По-моему, уже нет. Причём давно. Тогда кто я? Что не человек, это точно. Рога, уши коровьи, морда, как у них, копытных. Правда, копыт у меня нет, есть лапы. Так что я точно не бык – у меня ещё и клыки есть. И хвост. Пушистый такой. Как бы я без хвоста на четырёх бегал? Лапы – как у кошки лапы. Почти. Потому что у меня ещё на передних лапах пальцы. Нормальные такие пальцы, почти как человеческие, только с когтями. И когти не убираются. Ненавижу на свою морду смотреть! Образина! Все зеркала, какие нашёл, давным-давно побил. А что? Двинул один раз лапой – и готово! А, чего они говорят – «Вышли бы Вы, мессир, к людям, а не сидели бы тут, как…» Ага, как же! Если меня не подстрелят сразу, так буду у какого-нибудь охотничка в клетке сидеть. Или на цепи. Зверюшка домашняя, говорящая, и фокусы показывать умеет. Вот лежу я, значит, в углу двора возле конуры, хозяин мне миску помоев выносит, за ушком чешет, «дай лапу» говорит. Умница, пушистик! Тьфу! Вот так тут и живу один. Вообще-то не совсем – в моём замке почти все вещи живые. Разговаривают, бегают, советы дают. Ага, им-то что! Они –то хоть симпатичные, не то, что я – не пойми что за страшилище. У Люмьера вон даже с метёлкой любовь. Думают, я не замечаю. А я как на них взгляну, так тошно. Сколько же мне лет? Здесь время неправильное какое-то; да я, вообще-то, давно и считать перестал. Только вот если у розы уже нижние лепесточки привяли – значит, двадцать мне точно есть. И вот иду я как-то по анфиладе. Наступаю на ковёр, чтоб когтями не стучать. Выглядываю на лестницу – и, надо же – у нижних ступенек мужичок какой-то стоит, по сторонам оглядывается. Спрашивает «Тут кто-нибудь есть?» Зачем он явился? На меня, что ли, посмотреть? … Что я, комнатная собачка? От возмущения я уже рычу. Встал на верхней площадке лестницы и затаился. Наблюдаю. Слуги мои дорогие от радости разве что не подпрыгивают. «Пройдёмте, мессир, отдохните, выпейте чаю!» И идёт ведь! Ну, хватит! Я его к себе в гости не звал! В два прыжка пролетаю лестницу, сворачиваю налево, распахиваю дверь. Они его в моё кресло усадили! В моё любимое! И угощают! Ну, вот я сейчас вам всем покажу! Зверею. Ясно чувствую, как шерсть на загривке встаёт дыбом. Рычу. Да, вот нравится мне рычать! - Здесь чужой! Люмьер несёт чепуху, что-то объясняет, но слушать его я не собираюсь. Ага, мужичок увидел меня, перепугался. Да, я страшный! Сейчас снова зарычу – ещё страшнее буду. Рога у меня, клыки из пасти торчат, красный плащ по полу тащится. На картинках черти как раз такие. Подхожу на четырёх, принюхиваюсь, разглядываю «гостя». Никудышный он какой-то – маленький, лысенький. И бормочет: - Я …Я не хотел… А сам на мою морду пялится, глаз не сводит. Ну, чего уставился? Когсворт что-то мямлит, но я его не слушаю. Перепрыгиваю через кресло и вновь рычу. Мужичок пятится, я иду за ним. - Что ты здесь делаешь? - Я заблудился в лесу… И… и вот… -Ты нежеланный гость! А он всё смотрит и смотрит! Нет, это невыносимо! - На что ты уставился? Ты пришёл посмотреть на чудовище? - Я искал ночлег… А сам всё на меня смотрит. Свирепею ещё больше, хватаю мужика за шиворот, ору: - Здесь ты найдёшь ночлег! – и волоку его в башню. Завтра придумаю, что с ним делать. Ходят тут всякие… Шляюсь по парку. Всё заросло, отменные дебри получились, пруд давно никто не чистит. Западная стена обрушилась – не вся, конечно – просто есть там такой хороший проход… Иду в него, как в ворота. В другом месте пришлось бы сигать через забор. Сразу за парком начинается лес. Если идти прямо весь день, можно выйти в горы. Правда, на гребне хребта я был всего раз или два. Возвращаюсь вечером. Заметно похолодало, начал срываться снежок. Вот, опять моя как-бы-зима пришла. Потом будет как-бы-осень, потом – снова зима. К западу от Замка лета нет вообще. У парадного входа вижу осёдланного коня. Мужик безлошадный был – я проверял. Это ещё что за гости? Так и есть: дверь в башню открыта. Взлетаю по винтовой лестнице, на повороте въезжаю плечом в стенку. Не вписался. У двери, за которой мой мужик сидит, кто-то на коленях и с факелом. Переговариваются. Я отшвыриваю этого кого-то одной левой. Факел катится в сторону и гаснет. - Кто здесь? Ой. Оказывается, это девушка. - Кто здесь? – повторяет она. – Кто Вы? Я стою в тени, она меня не видит. И пусть не видит. Она такая… Такая… А я кто? - Хозяин этого замка, - рычу в ответ. Надо же – оказывается, не рычать не получается. - Это мой отец, - говорит она. – Он болен, ему нельзя здесь быть, это опасно! Отпустите его! Стану я его отпускать, как же! Может, я первый раз за столько лет живого человека увидел. - Он не должен был вторгаться сюда! Она всё ещё стоит на коленях, смотрит куда-то вверх – наверное, пытается разглядеть меня. Мужик выглядывает в дырку под дверью, лопочет: - Уходи, Белль, оставь меня! Белль – это что, её имя? -Что я могу сделать? Надо же! Ничего ты не можешь сделать. Давно всё плохо и становится только хуже. «Уходи», - думаю я – «уходи же! Почему ты меня не боишься?» - Но должен же быть какой-то выход… - о чём она думает? Хожу взад-вперёд, стучу по каменному полу когтями, стараюсь держаться в тени. -Стой! Удивляюсь, замираю, поворачиваю голову. Девушка делает шаг вперёд, к свету. Она такая… - Оставь лучше меня… Что? От удивления едва не роняю челюсть. -Тебя? Ты сядешь вместо него? Она что, совсем не понимает, что делает? Мужик кричит: -Белль, нет! Я не позволяю тебе! Ты не знаешь, что делаешь! Вправду за неё волнуется, что ли? - А если я соглашусь, - спрашивает она, - ты его выпустишь? Всё. Это оно. Другого шанса у меня не будет. Отвечаю: -Да. Но ты останешься здесь навсегда! А, вот теперь она меня наконец боится! Говорит нерешительно: - Выйди на свет! Вот этого я не ожидал. Ох, что делать-то? Осторожненько эдак делаю шаг к световому потоку из окна-бойницы. Показываться мне очень не хочется. Потому что… Всё, увидела меня, вскрикнула, лицо руками закрыла. Я сам, когда себя такого в зеркале первый раз увидел, тоже орал. Но это так, частности. А вдруг она сейчас передумает? Говорит: _Я обещаю… И всё же я в это почти не верю. Но если успеть… - Ладно, - тут же соглашаюсь я. Моё слово должно быть первым. Отмыкаю дверь, быстренько хватаю мужика за шиворот и волоку вниз, на выход. Кажется, грубо: он спиной ступеньки считает. Ну и вопит, упирается, конечно. Я бы, может, и получше его нёс, но его надо отправить отсюда быстро, а я на двух плоховато держусь, упасть могу. Поэтому подгребаю передней правой, мужика несу левой. Плечом открываю дверь во двор, шагаю к Тартарини, забрасываю мужика в карету. Командую: - Отвезите его домой! В землю он тут врос, что ли? Точно – копыта уже какими-то корнями заплело. Но ничего, поднимается, топает к мосту и дальше. Тартарини сейчас карета с копытами. На паука немного похож; в общем, зрелище жутковатое. Ничего, бодро так пошёл, справится. Он – не я, так что выберется без помех. А где это «домой» - ну, до ближайшего городка, наверное. Может, сам у пассажира спросит. Иду обратно, наверх поднимаюсь уже медленнее. Слышу, как меня окликает Люмьер. Вот он, в нише стоит. _Чего тебе? - Мессир, я подумал, если девушка проведёт в замке какое-то время, то не могли бы вы предложить ей комнату? Хмыкаю что-то неопределённое и иду дальше. Надо же – сам я об этом как-то не подумал. Девушка стоит в том самом закутке, за дверью, в окно смотрит. Гляжу поверх её головы туда же и вижу, что Тартарини как раз переходит мост. Всхлипывает, оборачивается ко мне, слёзы с лица стирает: - Ты даже не дал мне с ним проститься… А я его больше не увижу. Не увижу никогда… Что, пушистик, доволен? Чувствую себя идиотом. Правда, нехорошо как-то получилось. Рявкаю: - Идём. В твою комнату. Вот, теперь говорить учиться надо. Слова-то я помню, а вот разговариваю позорно. Ладно, как есть, так есть. Она удивляется: - В мою комнату? Но я думала… -Ты хочешь остаться в башне? -Нет. - Тогда пойдём. Я иду впереди, на двух, несу Люмьера в правой передней. Он старается, светит изо всех сил, все три свечи зажёг. На двух я как следует уже давно не ходил, разучился. Вот теперь думаю, как бы не упасть, а то передняя (или верхняя) часть туши перевешивает. Украдкой оглядываюсь, смотрю, кого же это я в Замке поселил. Какая же она маленькая! Люмьер молчать долго не может. Тихонько начинает давать советы: - Скажите ей что-нибудь! Правда, что это я молчу? - Надеюсь, тебе здесь нравится, - оборачиваюсь я к ней. Она кивает, но, похоже, не очень-то искренне. Нашёл тоже, где спрашивать, пушистик! Здесь с потолка полтора десятка химерских каменных морд торчат. Эти ещё пострашнее моей будут. Оглядываюсь, смотрю на неё. Маленькая такая, тоненькая, в платье синем. И глаза – упрямые, карие. И хвостик с синим бантиком из длинных тёмных волос. Красивая… -Здесь теперь твой дом, так что ходи где хочешь. Но не в Западном Крыле! - А что в Западном Крыле? - Запрещено! – коротко говорю я и для убедительности рычу. Она вздрагивает. Идём дальше. В Западном Крыле я всё ободрал и разгромил, но её это не касается. Замок большой, ей места хватит. И вообще – чего? Чего, чего – живу я там, вот чего! Комната у лестницы, между Западным и Восточным, ещё на зимней стороне. Сколь я помню, когда кузина СелестИ гостила, она именно здесь жила. Значит, для Белль подойдёт. - Это твоя комната, - пропускаю её вперёд, сам стою у двери. – Если тебе что-нибудь нужно, мои слуги о тебе позаботятся. Люмьер шепчет мне в ухо: - Обед! Пригласите её на обед! Вообще-то это будет ужин уже, но это я потом думаю, а прежде вытягиваюсь весь и выговариваю как можно торжественней: Ты… Пообедаешь со мной! И это не просьба! Захлопываю дверь и ухожу, довольный собой. Кажется, всё получилось!
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Posted: 24.12.16 18:33. Post subject: Алассиэн пишет: Соб..
Алассиэн пишет: quote: | Собрав несколько отказов от переводчиков, пошла я на поклон к Гуглу. Есть там программка автоперевода. Всё равно я стилистику не почувствую, если буду переводить сама - объём знаний не тот. |
| Если ты всё ещё ищешь переводчика, можно, я попробую? С английским у меня неплохо, и некоторую стилистику изобразить могу.
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Posted: 25.12.16 12:12. Post subject: Hello, Aranel! Аласс..
Hello, Aranel! Алассиэн давно тут не была, но я, дерзкая птичка :-) , решила за неё поручиться, что перевод можно делать. А вот мой собственный перевод моей повести. Наверное, ошибок в нём ещё много. Hidden text. Click here A NEW WAY FOR ''BEAUTY AND THE BEAST'' IS ''THE STORY OF SARAH MONFORTE AND DR. ROCKY MCNEIL'' Sarah Monforte lives with her father Alex. She is a small town girl about 23 years old who lives with her father and 34 year old stepmother. Sarah Monforte lived with her father Alex and stepmother Louisa before she married David Crook. He's the 27 year old son of Leonard Crook, a senior policeman of Sarah's hometown. Leonard's mansion is close to Sarah father’s house. David and Sarah are at the masquerade ball at Leonard's house. After the ball, Sarah started to drive a car when she was drunk. David laughs. I'm going to arrest you for drunk driving!” “Where are you driving?”, asked David when they passed by something that looked like a castle from the Middle Ages on the hill. Sarah said, “To the Eclimont Hotel”. David, ''But it's a real castle, not a hotel! We're not in France...'' Too late. Sarah parked the car near the hill and ran into the castle yelling, ''Welcome to the Eclimont Hotel!'' David, ''Sarah, wake up, please! Let's go home! (Sarah sat in an antique chair in a drunken sleep). David begged her, ''Go home, we cannot stay here'. She opened her eyes for one moment and the master of the castle watched her from upper gallery. David raised his eyes when he saw a shadow on Sarah's face. But he didn’t see the master, just heard the sound of his stomping feet. David ran up on the gallery and called. ''Who's there?''. David ran towards the master's voice and they asked one another, "Who's there?''. David and the master of the castle clashed in the dark when David ran towards the master's voice that he mistakenly thought was an echo. David saw the master when he lit the light. He was a dragon-like creature who scratched him with his claws when they stumbled together. Frightened, David ran away with a torn sleeve and a scratched arm. David drove away from the castle and still heard the monster's laugh from behind. Sarah awoke in the morning after David's escape. She came out to the castle's garden. Sarah heard the voice say, '''Good morning, my girl''. Still drunk, she doesn't know that it isn't David's voice and answers, ''Why do you call me girl? I'm Sarah. I'm Sarah Monforte''. The voice says, ''Your name is Sarah? Sarah Monforte?''. Sarah answered. ''Yes, my name is Sarah Monforte. I'm your wife''. The voice said a little bit angrily, ''I don’t have a wife! And I'll never get one!''. Sarah, “You’re acting so weird, David!''. When Sarah called him David he asked, ''Who's David?''. She did not answer at first and the voice repeated, ''Who's David? Is he the same guy who was with you last night?''. Sarah's head got cleaner. She stepped onto the tracks of the car's wheels and discovered that David had run away and left her. She cried, ''He's gone! Gone and left me alone!''. The voice of the master said, ''You're not alone, Sarah. You got me!''. Sarah asked, ''Who are you?''. HIs answer was, ''The master of this castle''. Some time later Sarah heard his voice again, ''Are you hungry my dear? Please come back to my garden. Breakfast is waiting for you. I made it myself.'' When Sarah said, ''Without servants?'', he said, ''What kind of servants could someone like me have?''. She ate her breakfast and thought deeply about his words. When the master invited Sarah to come in, she did it in hope of meeting him inside the castle, but she met no one. She found no one but the chair she sat on was warm as if someone had sat upon it. Sarah went back to the garden, worrying what everything meant. Why did the master call her my dear without knowing her? Why didn't he want to show his face? Who is he at all? Sarah was covered with a blanket by the master from behind. She looked around but she saw his footsteps only. Sarah went into the wood in the same night. She could not sleep knowing she can't see a man, only his footsteps. It’s too mysterious and too frightening. She walked for some time and was scratched by the thorns. Later the powerful piano playing and singing sounds called her back to the garden. Sarah listened the master singing while she held the tree trunk. Sarah got closer to the light in the window; the master played and sang while he was hidden by the large blue curtain with ''I have traveled across the Universe'' written on it. When Sarah did get closer the master stopped to sing and cried: ''I know where you have been. All your back is scratched! Why did you walk in the wood at night? I was too alarmed to sleep.'' Sarah: ''Yes, I couldn't sleep too. I was scared to hear the voice when I didn't see the speaker. Can you come out for me? I must to know who are you - human or ghost''. The master: ''Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'd do anything for you, but I can't do THAT!'' Sarah: ''Why? Maybe you have wounds or scars? You can come, if it's so - I'll not afraid of your scars.'' The master: ''Worse than all of wounds, I swear!'' Sarah: ''Maybe you're an invisible man?'' The master: ''If I were invisible, I would come out for you. But I’m not and I can't really do that!'' Then Sarah decided to find him by herself, in spite of all chances. The master had seen Sarah himself because he watched her through his magic cooper bowl that shows the wishes when somebody fills it with water. So he knew where she've been. In the morning, he had helped her in her errand without knowing it. It was the same morning after that night talk, when Sarah combed her hair (when she sat on a dry fountain and the master came, behind her back, and put the big pendant on the fountain). Sarah discovers the same pendant that the master put on the fountain almost exactly behind her back. Sarah goes to the wood by his footsteps pretending that she wants to bring the gift back. In fact she just wants to see him. Sarah: ''Thank you very much, but I can't to receive so expensive a gift. It’s cost is several million dollars.'' Sarah sees the master from his wide back as a big long-haired man, dressed in a black cloak. Sarah, stepping over the log: ''Here are you! I've finally found you, and you can take back this jewel.'' The master jumped up from the log but it was too late - Sarah had already met him face to face. A minute after, Sarah screamed and dropped the pendant. The dropped pendant fell down at Sarah's feet. The master of the castle turned out to be a monster, something like a dragon-man with claws on his hands and ''mounds'' on his face. He said: ''Sarah, I told you... Sarah, wait! I'll not do you any harm!'' But Sarah was too scared to listen and she ran away deep into the woods. When she stopped to get some rest, she heard the steps of the master who was following her. She continued to run away in horror and soon she disappeared in the woods. The master tried to run after but he stumbled in the roots and fell down. Then he returned to his castle and watched Sarah in the bowl. He had seen that Sarah climbed on the hidden ruins of some Indian temple. Though Sarah is tired and hungry she's still too scared to return to the monster. Some hours later, she had an halucination that the old crooked tree is the monster and she ran over the ruins and fell down. This thing happened close to sunset. The alarmed master went out to find Sarah by her footsteps. The master found Sarah lying unconscious with both of her legs broken. When she recovered she was in bed. Sarah discovered that she's barely dressed. She tried to get up without knowing that her legs are broken and she fell down in pain. After that, she was raised up on two strong arms and there was a voice that said: ''You're crazy! You've can cause a tumor that way!'' Sarah's in dread to see the master sitting near her bed. ''See, my sweet, - he said. - ''You fell off the high object - you fell out of the ruins of Toltec temple in the woods when you forgot you were high up. You'll start to walk again but it won’t be soon. I came out just to bring some medicine for you, and you...'' ''Go away!'' - cried Sarah. The master: ''Calm down Sarah. I'll do you just good, not bad.'' Sarah: ''Go away, you're the Devil!'' The master: ''You must not to call me ''Devil''. I'm not your enemy, but your true friend. I knew that this would happen if you should see me. That's all my fault...'' He stopped in the middle, and Sarah said: ''Where is my dress?'' The master: ''I tore it.'' Sarah: ''You did what? I have no clothes'' The master: ''Here, I'll give you some dresses of my former servant, Mary.'' Sarah: ''Your servant Mary... You had a servant... Where is she now?'' The master: ''She ran away.'' Sarah: ''Why? When? How?'' The master: ''When it was? Two and a half years ago. We'll talk about it, but not now.'' Day after day passes. The master sings and plays piano to entertain Sarah (he, himself, is hidden behind the curtain, because he invited the aides and he won't let them see him and be afraid of him). Sarah's in amazement that he's so kind and gently with her- she doesn't understand how he can be such an ''angel'' in Devil's clothes''. Her, Sarah and the aides as her ''Indian servants''. They're really dressed like Indian servant-maids, and they give her Indian perfume. Sarah in the levitation (one more manuver by the master to entertain her made with the system called ''Dream Machine''). The days pass, and the master continues to do everything for her and heals her by his wonderful homemade creams by his own recipe. Sarah's less and less frightened of his appearance. She knows that no man was so good to her except of her father and David had never been good. The master's quite sad that he knows her name, while she doesn’t know how to call him. One day, when she'd already started some walking, he asked her: ''Tell me baby, do you remember a young Dr. Rocky McNeil?'' Sarah: ''Rocky McNeil? Yes, I've remember that man. He had broke up all at the court, and afterwards he'd disappeared for two years.'' The master: ''I'll tell you why he became such a thing. If you're not against it...'' Sarah: ''I'm not against.'' The master tells about Rocky's ancestors Scottish Lord and Lady McNeil, who went to the US at the end of 19th century, carrying the castle's parts and how in USA they rebuilt their castle. The ghost of the castle's founder (and the ancestor of all McNeils) went with the castle, and when the castle was rebuilt, he returned to rule it silently. The Lord and Lady's granddaughter, Rocky's mother Margaret McNeil was still thinking herself as a Scottish lady (not as an American) and she called herself ''Lady Margaret'', although she spoiled her reputation by her wedding with Woodrow James, the gangster biker, who left her when he was told she's pregnant. Here's baby Rocky with his Mom Margaret and Nanna Mary. Mary Lance, this stout and jolly widow, was their housekeeper, too. The spoiled story with a biker had not confused Margaret; and when their son was born, she gave him two last names - both her and his outlaw Dad's, too. Because of it, his full name is Rockwell James McNeil. Rocky grew as a very talented boy, and he had became the Doctor of Sciences in the age of 21. Here he's in that day, with his lecturer Professor Lawrence Greenwood. Rocky had a musical talent, too, and played in all the musical instruments. Here he playing piano for his Mom's friend's' daughters; they've all been his fans and loved him, though he'd never gave them any hope. He was the gifted illusionist, too, and had a big state of focus-aides. His former Nanna Mary Lance became the assistant of the young scientist. She did not provide that her life as an assistant of ''master Rocky'' will become a nightmare. This thing slowly had started, when Rocky, after his 23rd Birthday, was awaken in the middle of the night by his mother's crying, and he had seen that she's attacken by the big gangster, - his biological father Woodrow James. The frightened Rocky stood still of hororor some minutes, then he recovered himself and he had sneaked out of the castle. But it was too late - there was his mother's body, she was killed by Woodrow who had stabbed her in her neck. Rocky screamed: ''No, mama, NO!'' The bloody Woodrow tried to kill his son Rocky, too, when he heared his voice; but the villain was killed himself, stricken by the first lightning when the storm begun in the same night.'' (Sarah was very scared in that place of the master's story). The master had continued his story: ''Rocky wept on his mother's body out loud; to his mother's body, he had swore through the tears that he'll never marry himself, because of this terrible result of his mama's marriage. Some hours later, the stressed boy finally lost his mind. Yeah, the mourn and the dread both drove Rocky insane; he had two attacks of madness with a three-day-crisis between them; and in the first attack he started eating all day long (while he was thinking himself ought to die of hunger if he'll stop eat). Here, Rocky is slowly getting fat, while he eating buckets of chicken and over-filled bowls of pies. With all that, he couldn't help feeling like his stomach is empty. He got hunger-attacks even in the night-hours; then, he was waking up and going to eat cakes and pies from Mary's pantries. In one night, Mary was awaken by the knocking door's noise and she had discovered Rocky eating slice aftter slice of pie - in the middle of the night! Ans so, she said: ''What's the matter with you, master Rocky? In the middle of the night!'' Rocky: ''If you're really care for me, you'll not let me die of hunger. I've see in the mirror as I do, as my bones are sticking out.'' Mary: ''Who? Are you? In fact, you've put on plenty of weight!'' Rocky: ''Oh, Mary, are you eat less? And you're... don't read me morals, I'm not a child anymore!'' Mary: ''I'm sorry if did I read you morals, but you can catch dyspepsia if you'll go on that way!'' Rocky: ''Shudder, if you've won't to be fired of this job! The pies are for owners, not for servants!'' Frightened Mary wasn't ready for treat like this from her young master's side; and she'd gone as quickly as she could. After Mary's exit, Rocky took to himself more pies to over-fill a bowl with them, - and he'd continued his midnight meal... Rocky had actually took twice of his previous size: here, right now, he's nearly 300 lbs. Mary got thin in the same quantity of pounds, 'cause mad Rocky shuffled all the food, - including much of this what she did to herself. She got not only weight-loss, but a joy-loss, too. Yeah, Mary became thin, pale, and always frightened. Her greyish-brown hair became completely grey. Rocky in his second attack of madness started seeing himself as the biggest maker of the biggest robots.'' The master continued his story: ''Mary was really in horror of the giant-fanged-robot's project which was shown by Rocky. But she was frightened not from his projects only, - she was frightened from himself, too, 'cause he treated her badly - worse day by day. One day, Mary was talked to her daughter Christine, who called her by the phone (actually, Mary had four children, but she was really close to her youngest daughter Christine only). Christine, who had no communication with her Mom so many days, was worried about her and asked her how she doing. Mary was a very honest-true character and couldn't lie even to save her life. From her natural honesty, she told her daughter ALL about Rocky and how he treat her bad. Unfortunately, Rocky stood close to that door and overheared Mary, - how she was telling by the phone about him (how he treats her worse day by day). Rocky burst into that room, took the phone straight of Mary's hand, and threw the phone down and broke it to pieces. And he said: ''Damn you, how you've dare to call and complain?'' Mary: ''I swear I did not call, this was my daughter who called me!'' Rocky: ''I don't wanna listen to you, old duck! There'll be no telephone for you to complain!'' Then Mary requested him to let her visit them - her daughter Christine and little granddaughter Polly. Rocky refused. Mary asked for let her writing letters to Christine, but Rocky said he'll burn all these letters in the fireplace. Mary then said she'll quit this her job in his castle, and then Rocky smashed her face. Poor Mary fell down on the sofa, crying: ''For what? Why? Oh my God, for what, why?!'' Next morning, Mary wass ent for buying some food groceries in the store in the closest town. At the store, Mary met her daughter Christine who called her before. After the first minutes of joy, Christine cried: ''Oh, Mom, what is this mean? Did he beat you?'' (she's seen the frozen blood on Mom's face). Mary cried: ''Honey, that was terrible! He smashed the phone and my face when I has answered his refuse to visit you in the quitting request! If you and Peter were take me out of this hell!..'' Christine: ''We'll do, we'll take you!'' Rocky came after these Christine's words, and he sais to Mary: ''Where you're going, old duck? I'll kill you if you don't come back!'' Christine: ''Keep your mouth shut, you're spoiled creature!'' Rocky: ''You're... I'll kill both of you, two!'' Christine: ''I'll charge you, you're monster!'' The old cashier said: ''Don't talk to him, ma'am! Can't you see he's mad?'' Christine: ''Oh, mad! It's getting better, I'll book him a room in a mental hospital!'' Rocky: ''I'll book you by myself, all of you!'' Christine: ''Shudder, bandit!'' The cashier said: ''Ma'am, there's no mean to dispute with mad.'' Finally, Mary was forced to return the castle with her psychic boss. She shook from fear, waiting him to hit her again. But he didn't even take a look at her, assembling mechanisms. Mary didn't stop dream to escape the castle. Next evening, she decided to run away alone and started packing her bags. But Rocky discovered it. He burst into a frenzy of rage, pushed her to the floor, and he dropped and crashed his antic piano. After throwing and breaking the piano, Rocky had started to recover it straightly, demanding from hardly-stand-up Mary to give him tools. When Peter and Christine came to take Mary out, Rocky took them away when he encircled the castle with alternative current lines. Afterwards, he drove his fanged robot straight to their garden. Here's Polly, a mute but very clever Christine's daughter. But she wasn't so clever in that night - she has continued to play her ball while the robot had run straight on her. ''Polly, honey, come to me!'' - the scared Christine cried, when she saw that mechanical monster on wheels, with tusks and claws. But the little gorl didn't know what a danger there is, and she had go on, playing, playing. Christine grabbed Polly and layed herself on the porch-stairs, while she was holding her. Peter: ''Let's call the police.'' Christine: ''What the police can do?'' Peter: ''The robot is operated, and they'll catch his operator. I guess who he is. This'll be for your mama's sake, too!'' The cops had actually came, but they've failed to take the mad ''operator'' by surprise. Rocky has really operated his robot by the special remote control with two antennas. He was hid in some garden, by himself. But he felt the cops coming, climbed on his ''Harley'' and ran away, throwing the remote control down (he had several ones for replacement). Rocky couldn't stop, while being an obsessed man, and he has continued to make monsters (among them, these mechanical ghosts that attacking these two girls). And the last monster that Rocky has made was a giant mechanical vampire bat with laser eyes. One young 12-year old girl was awaken in the middle of the night by the extremely strong light which hit her in the eyes through the window. The girl got up, curious to look what is this thing. She came out as she was, - dressed with her pijama. She was very scared by what she saw - that was a huge vampire bat, whose laser eyes were splashed this light. It flew low, under the tree's branches. The poor girl fainted from terror, with her face down. When her parents found her and layed her back in her bed, she've got ill and could not stop trembling. The parents knew who've made this monster which scared her so, 'cause Rocky McNeil became famous by the things like that. The Dad called the police, while Mom was cared for the daughter. In this time, Rocky McNeil sat on the bench at the edge of someone's private garden, operating the bat robot with a special remote control. Then, the cops had finally took Rocky by surprise and arrested him...'' Sarah was pale and shook in this place although she knew all about McNeil's robots, including the bat robot. The master continued: ''Rocky was really moved to the court. But when the procurator had started : ''Dr. Rockwell James McNeil, aged 26, is accused in...'' - then, the 26-year-old man screamed with a foam on his mouth: ''Do you think I'll sit?! No, you'll sit! On the frying pan! I'll eat your girl with the sauce! I have come out of space, I'll burn y'all with a Heaven's fire! You'll burn, burn, burn! You're all damned - damned with me!'' The frightened Judge let Rocky go home as the insane man (to the girl's mother, he said that the mad people caring isn't his business). Rocky didn't hesitate, - he has climbed on his bike and ran home. ''Open the gate, Mary!'' - he cried. Mary asked, when she did that: ''Did you run away out of the court, master Rocky?'' ''Shudder, or I'll hit you in your neck!'' - Rocky said. Mary did: she's shuddered. She knew that this threat isn't blank, all this period, she'd shook every time when the mad master has came close to her. At the supper, Rocky suddenly said: ''You feeding me bad, Mary.'' Mary: ''Who I feed bad? You are?'' Rocky: ''You said what?'' Mary: ''I said...nothing.'' Rocky: ''I've-heared you-said something-and I'll make you pay for it!'' Mad Rocky jumped out of the table and tried to kill Mary with his fist. Mary (on her knees): ''Oh, please, don't do it!'' (Meanwhile, the ghost of the castle's founder, who went to the US with the castle, could not bear that and flied into a skin of resting bat). Mary went on: ''Remember, Sir, I've nursed you; you were like a son to me!'' Rocky: ''I'm not any son for you, old duck! You has insulted me, and you ought to pay for it!'' When he ended this phrase, he wanted to try to kill her again, without knowing that the Ghost of the castle flies into a sleeping bat's body. Just in time, the enchanted bat woke up, flew close to the mad and bit him in the middle of the fist. The fist turned out to be a bleeding mix, and the man screamed out loud of a huge pain. Mary got up and asked: ''You've wound, Sir - can I help you?'' - though a danger which was so close to her one minute before. Rocky expelled her: ''Go away! Get out of my sight!'' But the pain was unbearable. Rocky tried to care a wound by himself. But the bandage was torn to bits. Then Rocky had a horror-attack and fainted straight on his bed. When he recovered himself, the morning came and the sun was shining brightly. He heared Mary knocking at the door. She said: ''Good morning, Sir. I gave your breakfast.'' At first, after the recovering, Rocky found himself to be normal again: the enchanted bat's bite gave him back his mind throughout the night. He talked to Mary as to his good old friend: ''Morning, Mary! Come on in, don't be afraid!'' Though Rocky returned to be a normal man, Mary was frightened even more than while he was crazy. She dropped all the tray with his breakfast down, and she ran away from the castle without all her things, to no return again. When Rocky saw himself in the mirror, he realized why Mary ran away in panic: his reflection was a dragon-like man (in that place of his story, Sarah realized that the master is Rocky). When Rocky watched his hands closer, he saw his claws are real. He really turned out to be a monster, and he has realized that the bat was a living weapon that the Ghost used for bring him a spell. He has remembered that he acted like a monster in human clothes last night, - for this he was turned into a monster with human soul. He had no more servants, no more phone of his own. Since then, he has went on the bike to call his former focus aides as aides-in-life, - in the night-hours, by the closest public call-box. One night, the night police patrol discovered him, and he was forced to return the castle without calling. But he ordered the aides (all that time) just to bring him the things, and not to stay; he has payed them from the castle's treasure room, when he put coins on the table, before their coming, and watched their work in the magic bowl. Rocky learned to cook, etc. - by himself, because he didn't want to scare people by his sight. He was terribly lonely, when he suddenly saw Sarah. The beautiful, straight young thing with dark chestnut tresses and flirtous velvet brown eyes (that she had opened to him for a moment) seemed to him like an angel. He had stumbled later in the corridor in the guy who were with her, and he laughed about his dread, but soon he has forgot him and returned to think about Sarah. For Rocky, that was love at first sight, and he was dying to say her so much hearty things... In the morning, he did it by the mechanical voice pipes that he used to talk for his aides to not let people see him and be afraid...'' ''It won't be!'' - cried Sarah, hardly believing that her dread-looking, but very kind and gallant master is formerly mad Dr. McNeil. He said: ''Maybe it seems unbelievable, but it's true. Now I gonna have to leave you. Maybe you won't see me after all that I've told you.'' He has gone out of the room, and Sarah was thinking about his story a long time after that. In the morning at their first breakfast together, Sarah said him in the first time: ''Hello, Rocky!'' He asked her how she bears him after all that he told her, - is she angry with him? Sarah answered: ''No, Rocky, no! You've atoned all of your guilts, while you were so kind with me. You have interesting me the way you are now, not the way you've been before. When you were so good to me in the first day... yeah, how did you know what I did when you was hide from me?'' Then, Rocky taught her to use the magic bowl: ''See, my pretty - when you tell the bowl what you wish to see, it will show you in the water just like in the mirror.'' At first, he suggested to see David. Sarah wasn't against it. Sarah saw David, with his father, in the bowl. Leonard said: ''What about Sarah, son?'' David (showing his still scratched arm): ''No, Dad, no! Don't remind me that night, even as a hint!'' Then Sarah saw the marriage certificate that David left here in his escape's night. She threw the document - into the fireplace: ''You're a mean coward, and you're no longer my mate!'' Some after that day, Sarah got healed completely. Now, she've started walking in the garden with Rocky. In one of these walks, when they've sat near the fountain for some rest, Sarah took the ribbon and said: ''Let me braid your hair, Rocky.'' After this walk, Rocky had invited Sarah to his library. She went downstairs, wearing flowers in her hair and hugging the bouquet. When Rocky read the book, Sarah layed flowers into it, instead of markers. But some afterwards, Sarah started to feel longings. She has stood up periodically, while they've rested on the grass, and she has looked far away, standing. One day Rocky asked her: ''What's the matter, honey?''. Sarah said him the truth: she missing her Dad. And, she have asking for visit her father, 'cause there were several months they haven't seen one another. Rocky: ''You'll see your Dad, for sure. But... when you'll return?'' Sarah: ''I don't know. Maybe I'll never can do it.'' Rocky: ''Never... Why, my sweet baby, why?'' Sarah: ''I don't know. Everything can happen. Maybe David shall see me and take me home, and he'll follow my every move...'' Rocky: ''But you've burned your marriage certificate!'' Sarah: ''Yes, I did. But he doesn't know, and if he'd know, he'd said it isn't divorce-by-law. But I'll never forget you.'' Then, saddened Rocky went into the castle and returned with his bowl. Rocky: ''Please take it, Sarah. This is my final gift for you.'' sarah: ''A bowl? But you need it!'' Rocky: ''No, I don't. Please my sweet, take it - it's my request. You'll always can use it to remember me.'' His voice was trembling, and so did his hand when he sent her a bowl and the two coins of gold. He said: ''This one will be a ticket to the road, and the other will be your back -ticket - if you'll be back, nevertheless.'' He ended, almost crying: ''I bless the day I met you!'' Sarah packed the bowl and the coins in the handmade little sack, waved Rocky thanks and goodbye, and went down the hill. She saw the taxi there and waved stop for the driver. The driver was quite surprised for her strange dress and strange little sack, but when she gave him the coin of gold, he got happy to take her to where she wants. Rocky had returned into the castle and stood by the window, - looking after his precious guest, that he loved her so much. He thought that the light in his life has gone. He was alone again - so terrible alone, the only living thing in the big abandoned castle. After Sarah became completely out of sight, Rocky left his place at the window, sat on his chair and burst into a frenzy of crying.
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Posted: 25.12.16 12:12. Post subject: продолжение
Hidden text. Click here And, Sarah was out of luck - she arrived her home town and knocked at her father's door late at night, when her father Alex was asleep. Her stepmother Louisa has opened the door; she was completely unhappy to see her straight stepdaughter, whom she always disliked. ''Hi, honey! - she said ironically. - ''It's always your way to disappear for so many time for coming in the botched moments like that! What's a strange dress, and a strange knot you wear!'' Sarah: ''Louisa, stop it, please! I had come just to see my Dad, whom I missed so much...'' Alex woke up for a moment: ''Is this Sarah?'' Louisa: ''Sleep, Alex! I'll not let you get up in the middle of the night.'' ''And you, Sarah, - you didn't must come'', - she added. The upset Sarah went to her ex-child room and filled the magic bowl from a flower-vase on the table: she felt guilty about Rocky - how he feels without her? - and wished to see him, straightly. In the bowl, Sarah saw that Rocky's still weeps in river of tears. She've felt so ashamed for her words ''Maybe I'll never return''. How could she talk to him like that, how could she leave him without any hope? Sarah whispered quite loudly : ''I'm going back to Rocky''... But Louisa have heared this crying-out-loud, and she came in to see where Sarah hiding a crying man - maybe under the bed. It seemed so strange - there was no one except Sarah. Louisa said: ''Sarah, what that's mean?'' But she've quickly saw the monster in the bowl, and said: ''Oh my God, what a scary thing! Now I know why you've missed - he imprisoned you!'' Sarah: ''It's a lie! Rocky was my best friend, as he's still being!'' Louisa (laughs): ''Best friend! You're more than a fool - you're slightly mad from dread! I'm hardly guess how you have ran away! Gimme a bowl, I'll take it to the police!'' Sarah: ''To the police? Why? For what?'' Louisa: ''The closest army base is far away from us, and I'm going to ask for the cops, insrtead of the soldiers, - to get rid of the monster!'' Sarah begged her not to do it. Then Louisa took a bowl out of Sarah's hands by force, splashing the water from it. Sarah: ''I'll go to him! I'll warn him!'' Louisa: ''Who? The monster? No, you'll go to nowhere! I've deserve a prize for getting rid of a blood-sucking monster, and I don't wanna miss my prize because of such a fool like you!'' Then, Louisa locked Sarah in the room, and she've went to the police station in her night gown (when she've just changed the slippers to the street shoes), when she holding a bowl in her hands. In spite of late hour, most cops were at work, including Leonard and David (Crooks). ''Hi, David! - Louisa said. - ''Hello, Mr. Leonard! I know why Sarah have missed. She've been missed 'cause she was imprisoned by the monster.'' ''Monster?!'' - gasped one of the policemen who didn't knew the story. Louisa: ''Monster, yeah. If you don't believe me, I'll show you.'' She filled a bowl from a sink near the door. The cops were stunned to see a crying monster in a bowl, David trembled and covered with cold sweat. He was still scared by this monster whose scratches were still on his arm. Leonard: ''Yes, this is the same monster who has scratched David in that night. Is he dangerous, Lou?'' Louisa: ''I think he's very dangerous - Sarah have hardly ran away from him, and she've got so mad from dread, that she've started to protect him. You've must to liquidate him, or he'll imprison more women.'' After these words, the liquidation of the monster was really decided to be done. All the cops went to hunt him, including the other town's police in the helicopter. The party which was leaded by Crooks walked on their two legs. The other parties of cops went on their police cars. What about Sarah? The lady saw that she couldn't open the locked door, and she stood some time in sad, angry and deep thoughts. And now, she've felt not only ashamed - alarmed! It's not enough that she gave Rocky such a heart break - she've must 'cause for his death! He's now in a danger of death, yeah, and not only of sorrow, but of the bullets, too! This terrible Louisa, he didn't even do a bit of harm to her, and she wants to kill him by the police's arms, for some hypothetic prize's sake! She'll never get any prize, because Rocky will be alive! ''I'll break out of this cage and I'll save him!'', - Sarah said to herself. With all these things, Sarah realized that she's not only grateful, not only feeling ashamed for her thoughtless words ''MAYBE I'LL NEVER RETURN'', - she've started to LOVE him, to love Rocky just the way he is, in a horrible monster's form! Just like the Beauty of the classic story loved the Beast. She climbed on a window-sill from a chair, opened the window, and she got out of it (though it've been hard enough), and started to run fast through the garden. When Sarah came to the road, she saw the same taxi-driver in a hat, and she waved him stop before he would decide to go away. And so, the lady cried to him: ''Please, stop! Take me back to the same hill with the oak at its base; I'll pay you'' (gives him another coin of gold from her little sack). The driver was surprised: ''But, Miss, you've asked me for take you out of there, not a long time ago!'' But some afterwards he said: ''But I'll do anything for such a lovely thing like you!'' The driver did what she asked him to do. When he was gone, Sarah quickly climbed the hill, and she stood close to a castle's windows; she didn't heared the weeping anymore, but she've heared another sound - of broken glass. It was because of: Rocky has got tired of tears. He'd started to walk in the galleries, and, in the Mirror Gallery, he saw his horrible face in the biggest mirror. He has burst into a big rage, and started to smash the mirrors with his stick (a broken candlestick, in fact). Rocky smashes the biggest mirror, in it he saw his reflection and outraged. Rocky goes on, smashing the mirrors in a gallery. Rocky continues to smash the mirrors, enraged of his ugliness, and of the fact he's alone because of it. Rocky goes on, smashing the mirrors - the've remind him he's a monster, and couldn't get friends among the people, who were afraid of him if they were see him. After smashing the last mirror in the gallery, Rocky came back to the big room and burst in tears again. Then arah decided there's not another moment to waste. She came into the ex-Mirror Gallery. She started to run fast as if she was a deer, jumping over the broken glass while she don't even touch one bit of it. When Sarah got closer to the end of the gallery, she've started to run faster, - her long chestnut tresses like a fountain, her skirt like a ball. When Sarah have arrived the opened glass door of the big room, - she've finally stopped, and started hearing-listening what happening inside it now. Rocky was still crying, but he've stopped when he heared the steps, and came to the cynematoscope that was joined to his piano. He saw Sarah on the screen, and soon she came. He burst of joy: ''Sarah, my sweet baby, are you returned!'' Sarah: ''Yes, Rocky my dear, I've returned to never leave you.'' Rocky: ''Though I missed you so much and I was cried so much, I didn't believe that my angel left me forever; I'm so happy to see you again! If you were really leave me forever, I would die of sorrow''. Sarah: ''Don't be too much happy. At first, my stepmother took a bowl out of my hands...'' Rocky: ''I don't care for this bowl, that much - when you're here with me.'' Sarah: ''Now, you'll must care for this bowl - Louisa took it to the police, to ask the cops for killing you as a ''blood-sucking monster''. Yeah, she called you ''blood-sucking monster, who imprisoning all those vulnerable women and sucking their blood''. She said these things to me, and she'd say the same to the cops. They would possibly use the silver bullets as if you really were a vampire.'' Rocky answered: ''They'll not come too much quickly, I think. And now, I want to celebrate your come back!'' Sarah: ''I don't think this is a good time for celebrate, but...yeah, raise me up on your ''Dream Machine!''.'' She couldn't help, feeling happy to reunite with him too. When Sarah ended her speech, she has sat on the sofa near the focus-system. Rocky was sit at the piano which was nearly-joined to the ''Dream Machine'', and he has turned the lever of that so-called ''Dream Machine'' focus-complex. The little horse-statuettes on one of the complex's parts has started to turn, while the sofa with Sarah has raised up to a ceiling. Rocky, himself, started to play piano. Here Sarah in the levitation, sitting on that special sofa. Some afterwards, Sarah said: ''And now, Rocky - please, sing one of your ballads for me.'' Rocky has started to sing, and he wasn't only one who sang - Sarah started to sing with him. Meanwhile, the cops started to enter into the castle, through the plenty of back doors. The whiskered cop watched a carved iron chair, with interest , - while the stick-bearded cop was interested in a chandelier on a very long ''stem'', which was in another gallery. But Crooks and all the other policemen have called after them, and they've been forced to follow after all the company. They're all have went downstairs, hidden by one massive column. Though the master and the lady were hidden by the same column themselves, their strong voices couldn't be unheared. Leonard said:''I know the master is only living thing who lives here; this is he who is singing, before the danger coming to him.'' The stick-bearded cop said: ''But I've hear another voice, of a...'' He ain't got a time to say ''woman'', - 'cause Sarah heared the cops coming and screamed. Rocky reacted. He has reacted in a turning of the lever. The focus was over, a sofa has quickly glided down. Sarah screamed and did one quick turn. After the moment she turned, she've jumped from the sofa and started to run in big leaps, dropping the candlesticks and all the jewels... The policemen started to follow Rocky and Sarah, - but they have been gone astray. Sarah said: ''Oh Rocky, my dear, I'll not let them even touch you, no way!'' That was when they've stood in another gallery for some rest. But in that moment the cops have found them by their voices. Rocky said: ''Gimme a hand, Sarah.'' Sarah did it, causiously, and they've turned on running to another gallery. While running, Rocky have suddenly threw out his cloak (which was still wet). The cloak flew away like some black bird, by the wind which was blowing from the close exit out. Though being fat and seeming to be awkward, Rocky could go fast enough when he was needed it. He was ahead on Sarah, at the exit to the yard from the same gallery that he threw out his cloak in it. But the cops encircled the castle in the ''Do not cross'' lines, and were ready to shoot him. Sarah came just in time: ''No, for Heaven's sake, don't shoot! He isn't dangerous!'' The policemen were all amazed at first, but Leonard has recovered himself in a few minutes and said: ''Sarah, what are you doing here in such a late hour?'' Sarah: ''I've came to save my best friend, whom y'all want to kill without any reason!'' Leonard didn't believe Sarah's words: ''Louisa was right when she said you're crazy from terror, - so crazy for going here in the middle of the night to save the monster who was imprisoning you. The creature sure was threatening you with his claws, and that have drove you insane. Let us to get rid of him, and we'll give to you psychiatric help.'' Sarah: ''I don't need any help! I never felt so healthy before! If you're all still won't believe me he ain't dangerous, you'll must to kill me too! Yes, if y'all want so much to kill him, you'll must kill both of us!'' David: ''Sarah, are you really crazy - so crazy from terror?! You're going to hug the Monster!'' '' I love him!'' - Sarah said, standing face to face with the monstrous master of the castle. Leonard: ''Poor Sarah! You've felt really bad in your imprisonment, if you've got so crazy...'' Sarah: ''I'm not crazy, I really love him! I love him like I never loved in my life!'' Meanwhile, Rocky too put his arms on Sarah's shoulders. The cops stood still, waiting him to tear Sarah's body. But instead of it... One cop yelled: ''Look!'' The monster's exterior started changing. The claws had put into themselves, resembling cat's claws. After the disappearing of the claws, the ''mounds'' started to fall out of his face. They've been splashed around out of the face, freeing and cleaning it, and Dr. Rocky McNeil have returned to be a human - a stout young man of 28 and half years old. The most amazed whiskered cop said: ''No one shall believe that... The Beauty and the Beast tale - upon our eyes!.. See, it's Dr. McNeil!'' Rocky himself had hardly believe his happiness; both he and Sarah didn't care for the amazement of the policemen. He made his true love vow in whispering talk, and Sarah repeating her vow in whisper, too. And here, Rocky and Sarah exchanging their first true love kisses. David became jealous, and he've forgotten that Rocky was a monster just one minute ago. He started amazing for another thing - what she've found in this fat man with long brown hair and sharp green eyes. He was the same height of David's, - nearly six feet, - but he was as massive as two people of David's complection. David Crook have always thought himself a very beautiful guy, and he has felt that he've never been so insulted in his life. He drove his gun towars the happy couple: ''Stop it, or I'll shoot you!'' Sarah requested Rocky: ''Let me talk to my ex-husband by myself.'' David have used it. He yelled: ''Yes, we'll have a serious talk! Why do you kiss this hairy fat bulk? it seems to me, you're still my wife!'' Sarah: ''Don't talk about Rocky that way, and... You've mistaken - I'm no longer your wife!'' David: ''What do you mean - ''No longer your wife''? I have a marriage certificate here!'' (searches for the document in pockets). When David failed in search for the marriage certificate in his uniform coat's pockets, he yelled: ''Where IS IT?!'' Sarah: ''You have left it near the fireplace in this castle, in the night of your escape!'' David: ''Come and give it, and show it to your cystern of fat...'' Sarah: ''I've burned it in Rocky's fireplace!'' Then David called her ''Bitch!'' and hit on her cheek. Rocky have hardly beared how badly Sarah was treated by David in this dispute. He couldn't be silent any longer when David hit Sarah, and he stroke his fist in David's face, throwing him about ten steps away. David who have recovered himself several minutes after, has looked really defeated: his police cap flew far off his head, his uniform was all spoiled with mud, and under his left eye he had a big brown hematoma, like the hematomas which boxers have. He said: ''How you've dared to hit me? I'm a policeman!'' Rocky answered: ''I don't care who are you, David Crook! I'll kill you if you'll touch her even with your finger! I'll smash you like a cockroach! I'll tear you to pieces!'' David: ''I'm not afraid of you! I'm going to arrest you in accuse for attacking a police man! Hey, gentlemen, arrest him!'' Leonard said: ''No, David, there'll not be such a thing. I'm the senior policeman, and I ain't gonna arrest no one''. David: ''I can't believe it! You're my Dad, - and you're not by my side?!'' Leonard: ''Yes, son, I'm not by your side. I have completely disliked your behavior, especially when you hit a woman!'' David: ''But this so-called woman had let me down!'' Leonard: ''No, Sarah didn't let you down. She had not let down - nobody. Neither, you did that. If this castle's owner really was somebody like a vampire as we've thought, you'd been leaving Sarah to be devoured by him. But he ain't, and now Sarah have listened to her heart. Leave her and Rocky alone. They're love each other, they've proved it, let them be happy.'' David: ''You said ''Leave Sarah and Rocky alone''?! I see, you love this big fat Rocky more than your son! Can't you see what did he do to me?! My cheek is burning like it was ironed, and having this ''livestock brand''!'' Leonard: ''I'm sorry, David - I'm really sorry for you having this thing on your face, but if I was in that place instead of Rocky, I would hit you too. This is a natural reaction of a loving man who'd saw someone hitting his lover.'' David: ''OK, Daddy! I ain't no serve in the police with you - no more! Think that I'm quit!'' Meanwhile, Sarah and Rocky went to another side of the yard. Sarah's still crying, shocked of David's behavior with her. While Sarah is in tears, Rocky asks himself how he could let to that mean David Crook to hit her. Though it's seemed to him that for crying out loud for more he loves her, he have been angry for David for hitting his goddess, and for himself for let him do it. Sarah smiled through her tears, when Rocky finally proposed her to go away from the old castle. Sarah said: ''I'll follow you till the end of the world, but... you haven't feel a little bit sorry for leaving a place that you've grew up in it?'' Rocky: ''No, I haven't feel it. Though I've been so happy to meet you in this castle, McNeil-Hall - it have been like a jail to me for two and half years, - and I'm rich enough for both of us and more, and in one of my Native-American mansions, New-Mac-Manor, you'll feel even better!'' Sarah: ''Then...let's go, I'm with you!'' Rocky leaded her to one of some MARKED back-galleries, which have been served like a garage for his motorbikes (all his bikes, on which he was going to public call-boxes at night while being a monster, were inherited by him from his biker-bandit Dad). Here, Rocky's on the bike with Sarah, ready to go away with her. And here, Sarah and Rocky went out of the castle. *When I wrote the draft, I didn't knew that was no Excalibur Hotel in the 70s, so I changed the words ''Excalibur in Vegas'' to ''Esclimont in France'' - meaning the hotel in Chateau d`Esclimont. ''The sleep of reason produced monster, and in the monster the reason has woke up''.
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Posted: 25.12.16 13:42. Post subject: Хорошо, скоро у меня..
Хорошо, скоро у меня начнётся свободное время (новогодние праздники), и я рискну.
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Location: Казахстан, Алматы
Posted: 25.12.16 18:46. Post subject: Эхх, а я вот, к свое..
Эхх, а я вот, к своему стыду, как начала несколько лет назад дневник Линди к роману Алекс Флинн переводить, так он и лежит у меня мертвым грузом до сих пор...
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Posted: 30.12.16 12:12. Post subject: Извините, пожалуйста..
Извините, пожалуйста, но по внешним причинам у мня, судя по всему, будет меньше свободного времени, чем я думала. Я обязательно попробую, когда будет возможность и силы, но это будет всё-таки позже. Ещё раз, извините, что поспешила с обещанием.
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Posted: 31.12.16 11:59. Post subject: Ничего, Aranel, "..
Ничего, Aranel, "Цветок Шиповника" подождёт. Подождёт и проверка моих ошибок. ''Heaven can wait And a band of angels wrapped up in my heart Will take me through the lonely night'' Jim Steinman
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